Thursday, January 30, 2014

Young lady, Five, Experiences Pioneering Surgery To Give Her A Chance To Stroll After Her Family Raise £42,000 For An Operation In The U..

Lily Ketteringham was conceived 10 weeks rashly and was diagnosed with spastic diplegic cerebral paralysis at the age of nine months.

  • She was unable to stroll without the support of a strolling edge.

  • To empower her to stroll without the edge she required surgery, called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery, which obliged her to head off to the U.s.

  • She had the operation on Tuesday and her folks are presently trusting she will have the capacity to walk unaided after physiotherapy.
Lily Ketteringham, five, was born 10 weeks early and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was nine months old. As a result, she was unable to walk without a frame
After months of resolute gathering pledges a five-year-old has experienced surgery that will transform her life.

Lily Ketteringham has cerebral paralysis which implied she was unable to stroll without an edge.
Nonetheless, she has now had pioneering surgery to empower her to walk regularly at St Louis Children's Hospital in Missouri, U.s.

The surgery, called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery, was just accessible in the U.s. up to this point.

Lily's family raised £42,000 for her to fly to the U.S. for pioneering surgery to allow her to walk normally. She is pictured in hospital before the operation which took place on Tuesday
It is presently being performed at a couple of healing facilities in the UK however consistent with NICE guidelines Lily's hips are too far out of position for surgeons to work in this nation.

Talking from America, Lily's father, Steve, said the surgery had gone 'well'.

Lily and her family left the UK on Friday and she experienced the surgery on Tuesday.

Mr Ketteringham, 41, of Newcastle, said: 'The operation went well and there were no issues. Lily had some back fits the previous evening which was troublesome to see.

'The following few days will be hard for her as it is cot rest.'

Lily's family raised £42,000 for her to travel to the U.s. for pioneering surgery to permit her to walk ordinarily. She is imagined in doctor's facility before the operation which occurred on Tuesday

Lily, who was conceived 10 weeks early, hasn't had the capacity to walk or stand unaided since being diagnosed with spastic diplegic cerebral paralysis at nine months old.

On the other hand, her loved ones helped raise £42,000 to permit her to have the SDR surgery.

The operation is a neurosurgical system used to treat spasticity (expanded muscle tone) in the easier appendages.

It includes opening the more level vertebrae to uncover the spinal line which holds the neurones of the focal sensory network.

These neurones (bunches of nerve fibres) channel messages between the mind and distinctive regions of the form.

Throughout the methodology, electrical stimulation is utilized to recognize and sub-separate tactile and engine nerves.

It is hoped that the Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery will allow Lily to walk independently after physiotherapy

This procedure proceeds until the particular nerves and nerve roots influencing the spastic muscles are recognized and cut.

Mr Ketteringham said: 'When we met the specialist he evaluated Lily and let us know she might be an autonomous walker and will likely take her first steps inside a year.

Lily (pictured with her father, Steve) is said to be doing well after the operation

'Fingers crossed that with diligent work it will turn into the best day of our lives.'

Mr Ketteringham and Lily anticipated that will profit to the UK for February 23 and Lily will begin work with her physiotherapist at the Heel and Toe Charity in County Durham.

She will oblige months, if not years, of physiotherapy to permit her to get the most out of the surgery.


Particular Dorsal Rhizotomy is a neurosurgical system used to treat spasticity (expanded muscle tone) in the more level appendages.

The more level vertebrae are opened to uncover the spinal rope which holds the neurones of the focal sensory network.
  • These neurones (bunches of nerve fibres) channel messages between the cerebrum and diverse zones of the form.

  • Electrical stimulation is utilized to distinguish and sub-isolate tangible and engine nerves.

  • This methodology proceeds until the particular nerves and nerve roots influencing the spastic muscles are recognized and cut.
Because of the extent of the nerves and rootlets, this is an exceptionally exact methodology and thusly the surgery can most recent a few hours and obliges a general anaesthetic.
  • Numerous months of physiotherapy are required after the surgery to retrain the legs.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

INDIA launched a mission to Mars yesterday – after taking hundreds of millions of pounds in UK Aid

The Asian nation blasted a rocket carrying a satellite bound for the Red Planet, ­despite pocketing half the cost of its space programme in handouts from Britain.
There were huge celebrations in Delhi yesterday as India’s £600m project saw the country join the US, Russia and Europe in the race to reach Mars.
But the launch sparked anger in Britain, which annually gives India a whopping £280m in aid.
india, britain, tax, tax payers, rocket, shuttle, space, space mission, mission, mars, andrew mitchell, outrage

Jonathan Isaby, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “It’s atrocious that taxpayers are still handing money to a country rich enough to be blasting off to Mars.

“If India can afford this it does not need a penny of British taxpayers’ money.” Polls show most Brits resent our £12billion foreign aid budget rising when Whitehall spending is being slashed.

india, britain, tax, tax payers, rocket, shuttle, space, space mission, mission, mars, andrew mitchell, outrage

India is the second biggest recipient – and although the Government has vowed to end aid there, this will not happen until 2015.

Tory MP Andrew Mitchell approved £1.1billion over four years in 2010 when he was International Development Secretary. But ministers were embarrassed last year when India said it did not need our money – with President Pranab Mukherjee, who was then finance minister, branding our payments “peanuts".

india, britain, tax, tax payers, rocket, shuttle, space, space mission, mission, mars, andrew mitchell, outrage

A spokesman for the Department for Inter­national Development said: “Not a penny of British taxpayers’ aid money has gone on ­India’s space programme.”

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Poweful Earth Quake in Balochistan, Pakistan - More Than Hundred People Are Dead

Map locator

A powerful earthquake has killed at least 238 people in Pakistan's remote south-west province of Balochistan.

The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday afternoon at a depth of 20km (13 miles) north-east of Awaran, the US Geological Survey said.

Many houses were flattened and thousands of people have spent the night in the open.

After the quake, a small island appeared off the coast near the port of Gwadar, witnesses reported.

People gathered on the beach to see the new island, which is about 9m (30ft) high and 100m long, Gwadar Police Chief Pervez Umrani said.
Rubble of a house in Awaran, Balochistan, on 25 September 2013
The quake was so powerful it was felt across Pakistan and India. These office workers in Karachi were forced to evacuate their building

Rubble of a house in Awaran, Balochistan, on 25 September 2013

Earthquake survivors in Awaran, Balochistan, on 25 September 2013

Evacuate office workers in Karachi on 24 September 2013

Balochistan is Pakistan's largest but least populated province.

The region is prone to earthquakes, with at least 35 people killed in a 7.8-magnitude tremor that was centred in south-eastern Iran in April.

Mud houses

The latest quake was so powerful it was felt as far away as Karachi, Hyderabad, and India's capital, Delhi.

Entire villages are reported to have been flattened in the impoverished and sparsely-populated district of Awaran.

Balochistan government spokesman Jan Buledi put the death toll at 238, more than 200 of the fatalities in Awaran town and the surrounding villages. He has warned that it could rise. At least 340 people have been injured.

"We are seriously lacking medical facilities and there is no space to treat injured people in the local hospitals," Mr Buledi said.

He said helicopters were airlifting the most seriously injured to Karachi while others were being cared for in neighbouring districts.

The army has sent more than 200 soldiers, medical teams and tents from the regional capital Quetta, but the mountainous terrain is said to be hampering the rescue operation.

Awaran local government official Abdul Rasheed Baluch said around 90% of houses in the district had been destroyed.

"Almost all the mud houses have collapsed. We have been busy in rescue efforts for the whole night and fear we will recover more dead bodies from under the rubble during daylight," he said.

Many of the casualties are said to be from Labach, on the northern outskirts of Awaran town.

Houses are also reported to have caved in in the district of Khuzdar.

People in the region mostly live in mud houses as opposed to multi-storey concrete structures, says the BBC's Shahzeb Jillani.

The few concrete buildings in the area mostly house government offices, he adds.

An emergency has been declared in Awaran and another earthquake-affected district, Chagai.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Border Disturbances Can Vitiate Ties, India Cautions China

Beijing: As Chinese army incursions continue to recur, India has cautioned China that any disturbance of peace and tranquillity in the border areas can vitiate the overall atmosphere of bilateral ties.

Speaking at a seminar on China-India ties here, Indian ambassador to China S Jaishankar stressed that any disturbance at the border will have an adverse impact on the public perception which is vital for improvement of bilateral ties.

In his speech titled, " Old Ties-New Model?", he said, "today, constraints on conflict and confrontation are indisputable. It has put the focus on maintaining peace and tranquillity on the disputed border between India and China".

The closed door seminar was organized by the New Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and China Foreign Affairs University Conference, in which strategic analysts from both sides took part. Continue Reading...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Eye swelling, headache after cataract surgery

Around 12 individuals in Morang locale, who experienced waterfall surgery throughout an eye camp at Sundarpur VDC in Morang on June 21, have griped of a few issues, for example eye swelling and persistent cerebral pain. 

A percentage of the victimized individuals have been conceded to Biratnagar-based Ramlal Golchha Eye Hospital (RGEH), while the remaining have headed off to Kathmandu and different healing centers in Morang for medicine, as per Shiv Narayan Chaudhary, the relative of one of the chumps. RGEH had organised the camp in a joint effort with nearby Sundarpur Saving and Cooperatives. An Australia-based organisation and Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology had supposedly loan the healing center some assistance to organise the camp. A woman holds a tissue to her irritated eye.

An alternate victimized individual, Bhawani Prasad Dahal of Sundarpur VDC-8, who was conceded to RGEH on July 18 in the wake of having issues emulating waterfall surgery , is experiencing medicine. "My father (Bhawani Prasad) had been recommended pharmaceuticals inside 72 hours of the surgery at the healing center. Nonetheless, his condition's did not make strides. Later, specialists took out his left eyeball, idiom that the eye got harmed," said the chump's offspring, Bhim Prasad. "My father has been experiencing cerebral pain and left taking nourishment for as far back as one and a half weeks." 

Shiv Narayan, who carried his relative Phirani Devi Chaudhary to RGEH, said a percentage of the chumps have been left without a friend in the world as they need cash to head out to Biratnagar for medicine. RGEH Manager Shiv Narayan Pradhan said while taking care of such a substantial number of patients one or two cases commonly fall flat. "The patients may have gotten tainting after the surgery . After an operation, eyes ought to be secured from tainting work the following 72 hours",he said.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Huge Fire Closes Nairobi's International Airport

Nairobi, Kenya : A spectacular fire caused major damage Wednesday at the international airport in Nairobi, Kenya, one of the busiest in Africa, according to news reports and social media accounts. There were no reports of casualties, and the cause appeared to be undetermined.

Fire at Nairobi airport
Smoke billows from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya, early Wednesday on 07/08/2013
The blaze broke out at 5 a.m. local time (7 p.m. Tuesday PDT) and gutted the arrivals building of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, according to Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper. The paper quoted the head of security for the Kenya Airports Authority, Eric Kiraithe, as saying: “By our own standards this is so big.”

The airport was closed and passengers evacuated, the BBC reported, adding that there were unconfirmed reports that the blaze had begun in the airport's immigration offices. Continue Reading..,

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Here's how Telangana Bifurcation Impacted RBI Bond Auction

The proposed bifurcation of Telangana from the state of Andhra Pradesh (AP) impacted the auction pricing of the latter's development loans at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday. Investors got a higher premium on the cut-off yield at 9.84 percent for tenure of ten years.
Yield, which is not the same as interest or coupon rate, is the total interest income on a particular security.

AP was raising Rs 1,000 crore loans through the RBI auction process for which the entire volume was sold fully. Last time, the state had raised similar Rs 1,000 crore wherein the central bank had allowed a cut-off yield at 8.25 percent in an auction dated April 23, 2013. However, these two are not strictly comparable due to prevailing liquidity (availability of money) situations in different months.

With the latest yield, according to bond traders, the state beat West Bengal that was offering the highest yield in earlier auctions. The eastern state is now ranked second with a cut-off yield at 9.72 percent in the state loan auctions dated July 31. Continue Reading...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Wave of Car Bombs Kills Dozens in Iraq

BAGHDAD — A deadly upsurge of violence in Iraq claimed more victims Monday when 15 car bombs killed at least 46 people and injured many more, according to security sources. 
Ten of the bombings took place in Baghdad, mainly in Shiite neighborhoods. Targets included a hospital, a restaurant and markets. At least 30 people were killed and more than 100 wounded, authorities said.
A charred car rests in Sadr City, a district in Baghdad. Ten car bombs exploded in Baghdad early Monday, mainly in Shiite neighborhoods.
Officials in the Iraqi capital tightened security in the aftermath of the latest blasts, fearing that more devices could yet be detonated. There were long lines at vehicle checkpoints in the capital as the security services searched cars for explosives. Since the start of Ramadan on July 10, coordinated bombings and other attacks have intensified. That has revived fears that Iraq could be returning to the levels of sectarian violence seen in the last decade when the country moved to the brink of civil war following the American-led invasion in 2003.
In Kut, southeast of Baghdad, two car bombs exploded near a bus station leaving 6 people dead and about 20 others injured, according to a medical source.
Two car bombs also detonated in Basra, in southern Iraq, killing at least 3 people near a market and wounding 14 others, a police source said. And in Muthanna Province, another car bomb exploded at a market in the city of Smawa, killing 6 people and injuring 19, according to a police source. Continue Reading...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom now up for pre-orders at Rs. 29,390

Samsung's official India online store has started taking pre-orders for the recently launched Galaxy S4 Zoom at Rs. 29,390.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is a variant of company's flagship device, Galaxy S4, which puts the camera in focus. The device was launched earlier this month with another Galaxy S4 variant, the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini. Few days back the company started taking pre-orders for the Galaxy S4 mini through its online channel for Rs. 27,990.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom features a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED qHD display with a resolution of 540x960 pixels. It is powered by a 1.5GHz dual-core processor coupled with 1.5GB of RAM. The highlight of the device is the 16-megapixel CMOS sensor with 10x optical zoom along with a Xenon Flash and Optical Image Stabiliser (OIS). There is a 1.9-megapixel front camera as well.

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom includes a 2330mAh battery. It also packs in 8GB of internal storage which can be expanded up to 64GB via a microSD card. The device runs on the Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) with Samsung's TouchWiz UI on top. Connectivity options includes Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth and A-GPS.

Samsung's eStore is currently offering the device with introductory launch package that includes accessories like flip cover, lens or LCD replacement and entertainment pack among others.

The company is also giving EMI offers for 3months at Rs. 9,797 and 6 months at Rs. 4,898 for the Galaxy S4 Zoom. The site mentions that the expected availability of Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is end of July.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom key specifications:

    4.3-inch Super AMOLED qHD touchscreen display.
    1.5GHz dual-core processor.
    1.5GB RAM.
    8GB internal storage expandable by up to 64GB via microSD card.
    16-megapixel rear camera with Xenon Flash, 10X Optical Zoom.
    1.9-megapixel front camera.
    Wi-Fi, NFC and Bluetooth 4.0.
    2,330mAh battery.
    Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean).

Monday, July 22, 2013

BJP politics to blame for terror outfits like Indian Mujahideen: Congress

The Congress on Sunday blamed the Gujarat riots of 2002 for the creation of terror outfit Indian Mujahideen. The BJP slammed the remark as "reprehensible" and accused the Congress of playing the communal card for vote bank politics.

"Indian Mujahideen (IM) was formed after the Gujarat riots, says NIA in its chargesheet. Even now BJP and RSS will not desist from communal politics?" Congress leader Shakeel Ahmed said on Twitter.

The contents of the chargesheet, filed on July 17, were first reported by The Indian Express. It claimed that the IM was formed after the Babri Masjid demolition and the Gujarat riots. Continue Reading...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mahendra Singh Dhoni Keeps His End Over Promise Against Sri Lanka

Cricket: Dhoni Blasts India to Tri-Nations Title

Port of Spain, Trinadad - This was not cricket; this was poker. MS Dhoni was too calm, too cool, too sly. He bluffed and bluffed. He raised the stakes even as wickets fell. He rode his luck, survived a close run-out chance, escaped two perilous mix-ups with Ishant Sharma, and closed it out.

Dhoni wasn't even supposed to play this match. And it was clear that he was struggling with injury through his innings. He declined some easy singles and didn't take some twos he would have normally harried through. He was up against the run rate. He was up against a sharp Rangana Herath, Lasith Malinga and Angelo Mathews. And he was up against pressure. He overcame them all.

There is plenty to say about Sri Lanka's batting, India's bowling, and India's top order. There is a lot to write about Rohit Sharma's innings. And there is much to talk about Herath. But let them be for now. Continue Reading...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Government approves construction of NCR transport corporation

NEW DELHI: To do development of three Regional Rapid Transit System passageways uniting Delhi with Panipat, Alwar and Meerut, the Union Cabinet on Thursday affirmed constitution of National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited (NCRTC). The NCRTC might be structured under the Companies Act, 1956 with introductory seed capital of Rs 100 crore for outlining, advancing, actualizing, financing, working and keeping up Regional Rapid Transit framework (RRTS) in National Capital Region (NCR), an official proclamation discharged said. The passageways are being produced to furnish agreeable and quick travel to NCR towns and meet the high development in transport request, the articulation said. According to the proposal sanction by the bureau, the NCRTC may structure subsidiary associations for actualizing every hallway. The Centre and the state governments might commit similarly to the beginning seed capital of Rs 100. While the urban advancement and track services might give 22.5% of the measure, the National Capital Region Planning Board might give 5%.

Allahabad high court bans caste-based rallies in Uttar Pradesh

LUCKNOW: The Lucknow seat of Allahabad high court on Thursday stayed with instantaneous impact arouses dependent upon rank in Uttar Pradesh (UP). It likewise issued recognizes to focal and state governments, Election Commission and four major political gatherings -BJP, Congress, BSP and SP -in the state, wanting them to introduce their focus from perspective. The following date of listening to is on July 25. The request was passed by a division seat containing Justice Uma Nath Singh and Justice Mahendra Dayal on the general population investment case (PIL) of a neighborhood legal counselor Motilal Yadav, who has asked boycott on rank built revives with respect to grounds that they are against the spirit of the constitution which states that all station and groups are equivalent in the eyes of the law and there will be no segregation on rank and religious lines. The applicant additionally said that such standing based mobilizes make animosity around positions and advertise rank separation. The Centre, state government, ECI, Congress, BJP, SP and BSP have been made respondents in the PIL. In the interest of the state government, extra backer general Bulbul Godiyal showed up under the watchful eye of the court. The stay comes a day after Supreme Court in its milestone request decided that an open agent will stand disentitled when he is sentenced for two years or increasingly by a court. Essentially, the BSP as of late closed its first stage of Brahman assemblies in the state in which party arranged revitalizes to woo Brahmans in 38 Lok Sabha bodies electorate of the state. The rally in Lucknow was tended to by gathering head Mayawati. The BSP was likewise wanting to hold comparable revives for different stations and Muslims. The SP had additionally held meetings for Brahmans, Backward Classes and Dalits in most recent six months. The BJP and Congress are likewise holding rank and group based open gatherings and assembly.

Stardom brings pretense: Dia Mirza

She was a young person when she won the pined for Miss Asia Pacific title in 2000 and, since then, Dia Mirza has been grinning endlessly as a performer, social laborer and now, as a maker. However she is happy that she has had the capacity to sidestep the "affectation" which regularly accompanies stardom.
"Stardom now and again can carry a considerable measure of claim in your existence. I've perceived that a mess of individuals around you change, and that is frightening. I've tried to keep with it," Dia said in a meeting to IANS.
"It (stardom) has annoyed me. I will be unscrupulous in the event that I say it hasn't. Be that as it may it hasn't overpowered me or crushed me," included the 31-year-old, who fought relationship rumours, correlations and rivalry to contribute more than her fair share in the multi-billion dollar Indian film industry.
"I have given my shot to acting," she said, opening up about expanding her viewpoints inside filmdom through her motion picture generation flag Born Free Entertainment.
I gave a great 10 years to acting. Notwithstanding my viewpoints are unfolding and I'm investigating myself. I'm hopeful and content with my association.
"Film is my ardor, however I won't crush my self-regard by being a part of movies which I am not a part of," she included.
Dia made her Bollywood attack with "Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein". Her charming grin did considers for her, and she went onto emphasize in numerous movies like "Tumko Na Bhool Paayenge", "Tumsa Nahin Dekha -A Love Story", "Parineeta", "Dus" and "Lage Raho Munnabhai".
Be that as it may she can't match the prosperity of Lara Dutta and Priyanka Chopra, who stowed the Miss Universe and Miss World crowns individually in that year as Dia. She concurs, and says it is just her crowd's observation that has mattered to her.
"I've never been pulverized by the industry's discernment. I've dependably been propelled by the group of onlookers' recognition. Individuals cherish me, and nobody can change that. From where I came and how I began, I've got more than what I could have wanted. I have just appreciation."
"Be that as it may in the event that you contrast me and my counterparts, then possibly I didn't do numerous enormous movies, or I did enormous movies, and they didn't do well," said the performer.
Dia is just made a fuss over contending with herself.
"In the event that there's trepidation, you will never develop. At the time you are contending with other individuals, you have fear then after that you can never develop," she said.
She says film offers never quit going to her. Anyhow "nothing" was "electrifying" enough.
"There are such a variety of youthful young ladies who have come into the industry now who have been a part of auspicious movies. I suppose all the new and exceptional producers are looking to throws them. This could be greatly startling for a performing artist," she jested.
Anyhow she is courageous.
Dia accepts individuals will recollect that her for her diligent work, and says that she finds comfort in reveling in social work.
"The one thing which I have earned which neither man nor woman can take far from me is my diligent work. My social work gives me so much motivation. It is a great deal more than what my movies have given me," said Dia, who works with diverse organisations and foundations for social order's profit normally

Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan was today released from a suburban healing center where he experienced a mind surgery to evacuate a two-month-old lump.  
"I am fabulous," Hrithik said while posturing for the shutterbugs in the wake of being released from the Hinduja healing center this evening. The performer was worked upon final Sunday at care SurHinduja Healthgical in Khar for subdural hematoma (gathering of blood in the space between the external layer and center layers of the blanket of the cerebrum) as an aftereffect of head damage he had endured two months back while performing tricks for his upcoming film Bang". The shooting of Bang" was delayed accompanying the episode. The performer is said to have been prompted finish rest for no less than four weeks.

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